Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Attract Pixies

Pixies are a very kind, and caring. But don’t be fooled, they can be very sneaky, and mischevous when they want to be. But that just makes it all the more fun (i have a weird mind, but i dont care).
If you’d like to attract pixies to your house, or your garden then here are some tips:
If you want to attract them to your garden (i recomend you attract them to your garden rather than your house):
  • Plant lots of flowers
  • Set out fresh buiscuts with honey, warm milk (leave the milk in a little cup please), or fresh baked sugar cookies :3 (Yummy!)
  • You can also go sit outside some place you feel comfy (bring a blanket if you want) and just draw, paint, sing a song, play an instrument, sing a song while you draw. Anything artsy-like. ^_^
If you want to attract them to your house:
  • You can set little flower baskets on your window sills (this would be good if your a teen and your parents dont except your beliefs or you think they probably wont. And remember to keep the flowers healthy!)
  • You can probably set the biscuts, or cookies (whichever you chose to give) on a little cloth or napkin and place it in the basket
  • I’d also say that you should keep your room clean, and your house as well
So this is some pretty basic information on how to attract pixies. Another thing you might want to do is make a faery house. These houses are usually like a bit bigger than a normal sized bird house (but you can make it however big you want).

And they should probably be placed outside in gardens, were it’s surrounded by nature. (NOTE: faery house’s would be best if they are made out of actual things from nature or little knik knaks) I mean i made my bed out of one of my families old Zune (im an iPod lover, case was my sis’s) cases, and i made the pillow, blanket, and stuffing by myself. And its so cute!

And please dont get discouraged if you dont see them a few days after you start leaving little offerings, because pixies judge to see if you can be trusted. Sometimes it takes months, but you’ll start to see things dont worry.

One last thing i have to warn you about are mushroom circles, or “faerie circles”. These are great, it means the faeries probably really like your garden and have opened a path to the otherworld there. But even though it’s tempting to see were that path will lead you, there is a good chance you will never make it back to the human world.

And for any other help on this topic you can click the link right here:


Hope this helps! :)

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