It's been a long time since I've written on this blog and it's been an even longer time since I've written an extremely long, serious post. But please, don't let that stop you from reading because I have something important to say about this goal. Grow wings.
I've been on this goal for quite a long time, since Sept. 1st 2010 to be exact and this place has become a home to me, the one place where I can truly be myself. When I first came here, I was actually concerned because I thought that growing bird wings could actually hurt you, (But wait, don't shoot! I was always a believer in everything mythical, I was just curious.) and I can't blame everyone for being so defensive when I first posted a blog entry about my concern. After awhile, I came back...and then I came back again...and the people that I argued with at first...we became friends...and they seemed to understand me so much...maybe a little bit better than the friends I had had for most of my life, (Don't get me wrong, I love my "school friends" as much as I love all of my grow wings friends.) but...these people understood things that my other friends couldn't understand.
And soon, we were all talking to each other everyday...all day...laughing, crying, thinking of solutions to all our problems, we helped each other with spells and mastering new forms of shifting and kinesis. Some of us were avians, some were shifters, others wanted different types of wings, some just practiced magic, but we helped each other no matter.
I realized that I had become so close with these people, that they couldn't just be people I met on the internet...or my friends....they were my family. And I loved each and every one of them so much. About two years ago there were these people called, Hunters, whether they were real or not...I don't know...but whenever they came on our chats we worked together to get rid of them. We all worked together like a team, like a group of people who had always been best friends but never knew it cause they hadn't met each other yet.
But....there were times we fought...and those times were bad. I think everyone had started an argument in the amount of time they had been here, and I'm not going to be the goody goody and say I didn't, because I did, and I regret it. We would fight over the silliest things and the most important things. And lately, I've been so caught up in this sense of being alone that I went all the way into the old posts...yes, the old posts. Posts from like a year and half ago. And I realized we always fought, not only because of the subject of the argument, but also because of the pride that we each held inside of us. The anger, the shame, the frustration...but also, the will, and the strength.
While we're all very different, we're all the same too. We all share something inside of us, the need to be free and fly...feel the wind against our our fingers through the ever going expanse of the sky.
I've written this post for many reasons, I've been planning this post for awhile...and thank god I read Alex's post before I wrote this because if I hadn't I don't how long I would have ranted for.
The second about the people I've been referring to this entire time...these people...these crazy, insane, lovable, beautiful, kind, sweet, trustworthy people that I have lost over the expanse of a year...I don't know what's happened, but I do know that if I got them back I'd cry tears of joy..which is something I've never done. Now, I'm not saying that you...the people who are reading this, aren't those traits that I've listed above. Because I bet you are, and I'd love to be friends with all of you, but you see, I'm not the best at it. *is awkward and hides under a rock*
But these people....they were focused and they wanted to complete their goals, no matter what happened. They were determined to stop the Hunters and the Government and so many other people we thought were threats in the passed, and who knows? Maybe they still are. But, I don't think we'll ever get the chance to find out. This date 2012 (Ooo, the worlds going to end.) is something we always talked about, and I'm hoping that this date alone will bring some people back just from the curiosity of it, but I'm sure that's unlikely. I just wanted to say, if we could focus and contribute information and help one another...we could do it..get our wings. Form flocks (some of them I already know exist), protect one another, just simply fly.
Now, I've lost my train of thought and no longer know what to talk about. But I can tell you that I forgot about this site for quite awhile, but it's been a good year since I've remembered it and I can't describe how ashamed I feel for being away so long and not updating my posts regularly, but I'm going to stop that. Hopefully, I can start posting on this goal with the same imaginary "Welcome" sign that I've always known. And I'd be glad if all of you could accept me back.
And now, I will end this post with the unspoken tradition of a quote,
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
And a song that I found on someone's blog entry while searching through the old posts,
Sorry for writing such a long post, but it was time I wrote it, and thank you for reading it.
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