Wednesday, April 13, 2011

German Fae: Elves

Eleves, also elf and aelf, are a very widely known creature. They have appeared in books, movies, folklore, and so on. They have been portrayed as very pale people, which are a little shorter than the average humans, and pointed ears.
Their hair and skin range from pale to dark, and they do have pointy ears. I dont know if this is correct, this is just what i think, but i think people can get such a accurate look at elves, because elves are probably one of the magick creatures that are very clost to humans.
Eleves have been mistaken, and called faeries at one point, and they do have many similarities. Eleves like hard work and neatness, and they are attracted to place that work efficently, like good family households. They have also been known to have magick abilities. They are very close to nature, and take care of the trees and there surroundings, sometimes even living in them.
I couldn’t get much on elves, i looked, and looked, but i couldnt find anything. T~T
There is a link here:
^ Doesn’t give much information, but a few stories.
^ Don’t know if it’s really real, but it’s worth a shot.
could not find a lot on elves. Ugh