Sunday, September 2, 2012

My first post in a long time.

It's been a long time since I've written on this blog and it's been an even longer time since I've written an extremely long, serious post. But please, don't let that stop you from reading because I have something important to say about this goal. Grow wings.

I've been on this goal for quite a long time, since Sept. 1st 2010 to be exact and this place has become a home to me, the one place where I can truly be myself. When I first came here, I was actually concerned because I thought that growing bird wings could actually hurt you, (But wait, don't shoot! I was always a believer in everything mythical, I was just curious.) and I can't blame everyone for being so defensive when I first posted a blog entry about my concern. After awhile, I came back...and then I came back again...and the people that I argued with at first...we became friends...and they seemed to understand me so much...maybe a little bit better than the friends I had had for most of my life, (Don't get me wrong, I love my "school friends" as much as I love all of my grow wings friends.) but...these people understood things that my other friends couldn't understand.

And soon, we were all talking to each other everyday...all day...laughing, crying, thinking of solutions to all our problems, we helped each other with spells and mastering new forms of shifting and kinesis. Some of us were avians, some were shifters, others wanted different types of wings, some just practiced magic, but we helped each other no matter.

I realized that I had become so close with these people, that they couldn't just be people I met on the internet...or  my friends....they were my family. And I loved each and every one of them so much. About two years ago there were these people called, Hunters, whether they were real or not...I don't know...but whenever they came on our chats we worked together to get rid of them. We all worked together like a team, like a group of people who had always been best friends but never knew it cause they hadn't met each other yet.

But....there were times we fought...and those times were bad. I think everyone had started an argument in the amount of time they had been here, and I'm not going to be the goody goody and say I didn't, because I did, and I regret it. We would fight over the silliest things and the most important things. And lately, I've been so caught up in this sense of being alone that I went all the way into the old posts...yes, the old posts. Posts from like a year and half ago. And I realized we always fought, not only because of the subject of the argument, but also because of the pride that we each held inside of us. The anger, the shame, the frustration...but also, the will, and the strength.

While we're all very different, we're all the same too. We all share something inside of us, the need to be free and fly...feel the wind against our our fingers through the ever going expanse of the sky.

I've written this post for many reasons, I've been planning this post for awhile...and thank god I read Alex's post before I wrote this because if I hadn't I don't how long I would have ranted for.

The first reason I wrote this goal is because of all the newcomers, you are all so lovely, and I can't believe how much this goal has grown...but it is important to remain serious. Yes, there have been times when things have gotten a little out of hand and we had some fun for a few moments (but that was always on chat). Yes, funny posts have been submitted on this goal...but that doesn't mean they can take over. Back when I visited this goal continually, there would always be something about wing progress, or if someone was in trouble, or if someone was getting bullied, or if someone had family problems, or if someone needed help with a spell. THIS is what should be happening and I haven't been around for awhile so I don't know if it is happening or not, but from what I've seen, it doesn't look like a lot of people take this seriously, but no matter what I have confidence in this goal.

The second about the people I've been referring to this entire time...these people...these crazy, insane, lovable, beautiful, kind, sweet, trustworthy people that I have lost over the expanse of a year...I don't know what's happened, but I do know that if I got them back I'd cry tears of joy..which is something I've never done. Now, I'm not saying that you...the people who are reading this, aren't those traits that I've listed above. Because I bet you are, and I'd love to be friends with all of you, but you see, I'm not the best at it. *is awkward and hides under a rock*

But these people....they were focused and they wanted to complete their goals, no matter what happened. They were determined to stop the Hunters and the Government and so many other people we thought were threats in the passed, and who knows? Maybe they still are. But, I don't think we'll ever get the chance to find out. This date 2012 (Ooo, the worlds going to end.) is something we always talked about, and I'm hoping that this date alone will bring some people back just from the curiosity of it, but I'm sure that's unlikely. I just wanted to say, if we could focus and contribute information and help one another...we could do it..get our wings. Form flocks (some of them I already know exist), protect one another, just simply fly.

Now, I've lost my train of thought and no longer know what to talk about. But I can tell you that I forgot about this site for quite awhile, but it's been a good year since I've remembered it and I can't describe how ashamed I feel for being away so long and not updating my posts regularly, but I'm going to stop that. Hopefully, I can start posting on this goal with the same imaginary "Welcome" sign that I've always known. And I'd be glad if all of you could accept me back.

And now, I will end this post with the unspoken tradition of a quote,

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

And a song that I found on someone's blog entry while searching through the old posts,

Sorry for writing such a long post, but it was time I wrote it, and thank you for reading it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

German Fae: Elves

Eleves, also elf and aelf, are a very widely known creature. They have appeared in books, movies, folklore, and so on. They have been portrayed as very pale people, which are a little shorter than the average humans, and pointed ears.
Their hair and skin range from pale to dark, and they do have pointy ears. I dont know if this is correct, this is just what i think, but i think people can get such a accurate look at elves, because elves are probably one of the magick creatures that are very clost to humans.
Eleves have been mistaken, and called faeries at one point, and they do have many similarities. Eleves like hard work and neatness, and they are attracted to place that work efficently, like good family households. They have also been known to have magick abilities. They are very close to nature, and take care of the trees and there surroundings, sometimes even living in them.
I couldn’t get much on elves, i looked, and looked, but i couldnt find anything. T~T
There is a link here:
^ Doesn’t give much information, but a few stories.
^ Don’t know if it’s really real, but it’s worth a shot.
could not find a lot on elves. Ugh

Monday, March 28, 2011

Type of Fae: Water Fae: Mermaids

Mermaids and Mermen are known to have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish, much like a dolphin. They can be found under the sea, in lakes, ponds, or rivers (sometimes). Any body of water really.

While not much is known about Mermen, Mermaids are a lot more….friendly….

Mermaids are known to lure sailors to there deaths with there beautiful, melodic voices; while other stories say they drag men down to underwater kingdoms, frogetting they can not breathe underwater. That’s why so many people are scared of them. But, although everyone has there own opinions, i dont think there is anything to be scared of.

The Merfolk, usually spend most time underwater, thats why there are very few sightings. But there is one video right here:

In this video, the man explains exactly what happened. And how he explains it, is very accurately correct. I dont exactly remember, if it was a comment, or he said it in the video, but in the video the tails of the mermaids are nothing i have ever seen. They aren’t tails that humans have artificially made over the years, the tails are to thin for human legs to fit in there. And the body structures are to thin, and wide.

It is proof, and i believe this man caught mermaids on camera.

So, merfolk usually spend time in the water, but in the most secluded areas of rocky shores or islands, they can be found on the rocks tanning. They can also be found by waterfalls, in the deepest parts of the jungles. Places no one really dares to go.

I hoped you liked this entry! I will have more on the different types of water fae all this summer!!! :D

Faerie Ring

Faerie ring, or faerie circle, is something that many people do not know about, and may see throughout there day and not even know what there looking at.
A faerie ring is usally a circle of mushrooms, in a meadow, or in a forest, honestly anywhere with a healthy eco-system.

These circles have been told in stories where faeries, or other magick beings, such as elves, dance around them all night under the moonlight. They say that faerie rings can also open passage ways to another “dimension.” Such as faerie kingdoms, or the otherworld.

I believe in the fae, i believe i am one, but this is why i warn you severly. For centuries it has always been said that when you step into a faerie ring, there is a chance you will be sent to another world. But when people see a ring of mushrooms (and if they have heard of the stories) they dont take it seriously, and there is one thing many people do not know. If you do get sent to another world, there is a good chance you are never coming back.

If you want more information, here is a link:

Yes, again, its wikipedia, but i searched and there weren’t any other websites i could find that offered a good amount of correct information.

"If you see a faery ring
In a field of grass,
Very lightly step around,
Tiptoe as you pass;
Last night faeries frolicked there,
                      And they're sleeping somewhere near."

                          ~William Shakespeare

Monday, March 14, 2011

Type of Fae: Irish Fae: Leprechauns

Here is another type of fae, a irish faerie. This irish faerie, is of course probably the most well known, a Leprechaun! The name Leprechaun comes from the irish name leath bhrogan meaning shoemaker.

Leprechaun’s are seen by humans once and a while, and are usually described to be dressed in nice, presentable old-fashioned clothes (usually the color green), a red cap, a apron, and shoes. They usually like to aid humans in small labor, and make shoes for elves, but only one shoe. Never a pair.

One thing you dont want to do is mistake Leprechauns for Cluricauns. Cluricauns, while part of the Leprechaun family, are tricksters. They like to steal, and cause chaos. As well as raiding wine cellars, and riding sheeps in the night.

One popular belief is that Leprechauns hold a treasure or “pot of gold” and if you catch one you get to have the treasure, but this task is very difficult to complete.

Here is a link were you can read everything on Leprechauns and more Irish Fae, i will be posting more about them soon:

I thought this would be cool since its March, and of course St. Patricks Day :)  Hope you like this blog post!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Attract Pixies

Pixies are a very kind, and caring. But don’t be fooled, they can be very sneaky, and mischevous when they want to be. But that just makes it all the more fun (i have a weird mind, but i dont care).
If you’d like to attract pixies to your house, or your garden then here are some tips:
If you want to attract them to your garden (i recomend you attract them to your garden rather than your house):
  • Plant lots of flowers
  • Set out fresh buiscuts with honey, warm milk (leave the milk in a little cup please), or fresh baked sugar cookies :3 (Yummy!)
  • You can also go sit outside some place you feel comfy (bring a blanket if you want) and just draw, paint, sing a song, play an instrument, sing a song while you draw. Anything artsy-like. ^_^
If you want to attract them to your house:
  • You can set little flower baskets on your window sills (this would be good if your a teen and your parents dont except your beliefs or you think they probably wont. And remember to keep the flowers healthy!)
  • You can probably set the biscuts, or cookies (whichever you chose to give) on a little cloth or napkin and place it in the basket
  • I’d also say that you should keep your room clean, and your house as well
So this is some pretty basic information on how to attract pixies. Another thing you might want to do is make a faery house. These houses are usually like a bit bigger than a normal sized bird house (but you can make it however big you want).

And they should probably be placed outside in gardens, were it’s surrounded by nature. (NOTE: faery house’s would be best if they are made out of actual things from nature or little knik knaks) I mean i made my bed out of one of my families old Zune (im an iPod lover, case was my sis’s) cases, and i made the pillow, blanket, and stuffing by myself. And its so cute!

And please dont get discouraged if you dont see them a few days after you start leaving little offerings, because pixies judge to see if you can be trusted. Sometimes it takes months, but you’ll start to see things dont worry.

One last thing i have to warn you about are mushroom circles, or “faerie circles”. These are great, it means the faeries probably really like your garden and have opened a path to the otherworld there. But even though it’s tempting to see were that path will lead you, there is a good chance you will never make it back to the human world.

And for any other help on this topic you can click the link right here:

Hope this helps! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011


Fae, faerie, faery, fey, fay. There are a millions ways to spell it, but they all fall under the same topic, Fae. I myself am a faerie, and i have to warn you right now there are many MANY diffrent kinds of fae. And its very confusing, so please try to hang on here.

First thing is, just because something is called "Fae" doesn't mean they are the actual winged kind creature everyone always thinks they are.

"Fae" is the name for millions of categories of creatures. Fae range all the way from the regular faerie (the winged creature) to gnomes or goblines. By me saying this, you can tell how big the range of speices that are listed as Fae are.

I said that wikipedia is NOT good, but this page will give you a lot of information about faeries. This one page gives you info on faeries (the winged creature) not mermaids, dryrads, or naiads.

So here is the link:

It covers almost everything on faeries. It even covers religion, and what people believe. Most people say that faeries are not in the catholic religion, this is were they're wrong. Faeries are believed to be Demoted Angels. They are to bad for heaven, yet to good for hell. So, they get stuck on earth, and this is were the legends cam from about faeries being so close to nature. Because when the faeries got trapped on earth, they took care of nature and "became one with it."

This blog entry is sort of like a crash course, because there is a lot, and i mean A LOT of information if you want to cover all of the Fae categories. And this is what im going to do, if anyone has any questions: What are the other types of Fae? Can you go a little more into detail? A little more into the magickal explanation?

Yes, i'd love to answer any questions, but you have to ask them. ^ _ ^ Any questions, please comment, and i will have a entry answering your questions soon. :)