Monday, March 14, 2011

Type of Fae: Irish Fae: Leprechauns

Here is another type of fae, a irish faerie. This irish faerie, is of course probably the most well known, a Leprechaun! The name Leprechaun comes from the irish name leath bhrogan meaning shoemaker.

Leprechaun’s are seen by humans once and a while, and are usually described to be dressed in nice, presentable old-fashioned clothes (usually the color green), a red cap, a apron, and shoes. They usually like to aid humans in small labor, and make shoes for elves, but only one shoe. Never a pair.

One thing you dont want to do is mistake Leprechauns for Cluricauns. Cluricauns, while part of the Leprechaun family, are tricksters. They like to steal, and cause chaos. As well as raiding wine cellars, and riding sheeps in the night.

One popular belief is that Leprechauns hold a treasure or “pot of gold” and if you catch one you get to have the treasure, but this task is very difficult to complete.

Here is a link were you can read everything on Leprechauns and more Irish Fae, i will be posting more about them soon:

I thought this would be cool since its March, and of course St. Patricks Day :)  Hope you like this blog post!!!

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