Friday, October 15, 2010

Some basic information...

Okay, so this is some basic stuff that i've learned, i still dont understand all of it. There are many dimensions, so im told but there is one dimension (that i call the mythical world). I dont know if i'm right but i'm pretty sure the mythical world has always rested on earth, before humans were created. And as we evolved the mythical world became more and more distant and is now completely invisble to the human eye, except for those who know its there. Many people have a attraction to myths and many are turned down when people say you have to be born into the mythical world, but if you always have had a sort of tug towards were born into the mythical world, But the magic in you has just been in a sort of hibernation i guess you can say. Some people are very scared when it comes to these things, but the true children of magic will go to great lengths to find were they belong. This is my theory, but im pretty sure its true : )

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