Monday, January 10, 2011


Auras are the electromagnetic feilds that surround every organism in the Universe. Although auras are everywhere most people think they are only on the human body, but as said auras are on every organism so they surround the human body as well. The aura that surrounds a person can be called a Human Energy Feild (HEF). Auras are invisible energy felids in the shape of a oval, that are usually called "auric egg" and this egg goes out at least 2 to 3 feet from the human body.

Auras are said to have 7 layers to match with the 7 chakras. Since auras are surrounding our bodies they can reflect our emotions and even shape who we are and what we do. Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Ok yes, i wanted to make a giant blog about this, but i was reading about it and it started to become very confusing. So here is what im going to do.

I'm going to post some links. (ATTENTION: The links that are given to you in this entry are not from me, all credit goes to Sunbunny (43things name Goldenangelgirl))

Here are the links:

I find the first link to be the least confusing.

Now i'm going to make a picture (just click on it to make it bigger cause the words are really small):

Well, thats all i have for you on Auras! Please comment! Till next time!

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